Saturday, September 24, 2016

Digital Blog #D

Our world is becoming progressively digital. As we move upward in the technological process, it becomes greatly important for all individuals to become familiar with technology. Chapter five highlights many technological concepts that are beneficial to both students and teachers to enhance teaching and learning. The first concept of E-books and E-readers has several positive aspects when used properly. The E-books eliminate the idea of carrying heavy books and/or materials from one place to another. Digital access is quicker and readily available. Further research material is also available with the click of a few buttons to enhance your current material. E-access is available on e-books, kindles, telephones, and computers. Although traditional resources are still available, more individuals are choosing the electronic devices due to the ease and unlimited information that can be acquired at once. 

The next concept is to become fluent with technology. To become fluent means to be able to navigate with ease and/or to perfect something. A student with technology fluency navigates programs or apps quickly, completing tasks correctly and deliberately. (Holland,2013).                          
There is an overabundance of interactive websites, learning games, and other technologies that could be incorporated to enhance learning. Students should be given choices to completing assignments given. Enhancing learning with the fluency of technology provide students and teachers the ability to be creative while thinking critically about topics. Students should be given time to explore and share in and out of the classroom. This will give teachers a better idea to know where students are and to meet them where they are when teaching.

The third concept is electronic note-taking. There are a number of note-taking devices that would be beneficial to both teachers and students. It eliminates the possibility of losing notes or carrying around a note-book. Electronic note-taking helps teachers access material readily. Whether traditional or electronic, note-taking is an essential element for learning and retention. It is also quicker to type notes instead of handwriting them. Later on, notes can be easily edited or supplemented with additional information.

In conclusion, this chapter highlighted many concepts that are beneficial to both teachers and students in our digital world. The chapter revealed the importance of becoming fluent with technology to engage students and enhance the interactive process. Incorporating technological material into the classroom gives students the ability learns new concepts, explore freely, and share with others.

Holland, B. (2013, December 16). Building Technology Fluency: Preparing Students to be Digital Learners. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Tarver,J (2016, September 24). Created with ToonDoo screenshot

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Digital Blog Post #B

In this chapter, there are many different examples and applications that can be implemented into classrooms today. The idea in this chapter is to give a variety of sources in hopes of moving from the traditional way of teaching to a way that would be more interactive for students. There are different points of views highlighted as well regarding traditional methods versus the technological ways of teaching. Math is a subject that I feel is better taught using a traditional method initially. However, it leaves little room for the learner that needs a more interactive approach. As a teacher, it is important to reach and convey complete techniques to each student. Therefore, I feel the use of technology instruction is something I would implement. Technology instruction, tools, and/or games such as Math Blaster, IXL Math, and other websites would greatly impact the learning and interest of the students.

Image result for 21st century math technology images vrs traditional strips

 Another key component mentioned in the chapter was student perspectives. Students have technology readily available in and out of the classroom. Many students use technology to explore different programs and applications on such devices. The ability to explore programs, learn, and master these programs creates knowledge alone. As a teacher, I believe giving students the opportunity to introduce their ideas on what works best for them is important. I would never want a student to feel that there is only one way to complete as assignment correctly. While teachers are knowledgeable in their subject areas, that doesn’t suggest that the teacher knows every avenue to arrive at the end result.

 The third concept which works in close respect with the second concept is the teacher’s attitude. I was told by a teacher that it was her way or no way. I totally disagreed with this statement. As a teacher, I will be very knowledgeable in my subject area. That knowledge will also include the ability to adapt to all learning styles. More importantly, being knowledgeable also requires me to have an open mind even if a concept is presented to me that I don’t agree with. If I have a negative attitude towards technology or a new concept, I will not be able to effectively engage all students.


In conclusion, this chapter highlighted many effective concepts. I plan to teach with traditional concepts, while also implementing educational technology. Students learn in many different ways, so the goal would be to reach every student. Teaching and learning is a two-way street. Whether incorporating tradition or technology, an effective teacher will teach but also learn from the students.


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

There are many technological concepts that will have an impact on me as a teacher. As a Math teacher, I do not believe technology should be a substitute for learning material. However, it is necessary to be a successful teacher. There are some concepts that will enhance learning. The three concepts I have chosen to explore further are as follows: small technology groups, interactive white boards, and digital textbooks and/or e-books. First, small technology groups enhance learning and communication among group participants. When assignments are split among group members, everyone takes part and has a feeling of ownership. The collaborative effort contributed from each individual strengthens the group. For example, if students are working on some type of research project, each person is given a piece of the assignment. Online tools such as canvas and email can be used to cross reference, give updates, or even get an extra opinion from another group member. Sometimes getting someone else’s perspective is the best way to get over a stumbling block.

The second concept would be interactive whiteboards. There are many uses for interactive whiteboards. As a teacher, I would like to have an interactive whiteboard with a sound system and a camera. This would be a great to device to use as a learning technique. After teaching an assignment or chapter, I would like to give my students a chance to teach or give presentations to their fellow classmates. Later on, the students will have a chance to view themselves and see how well they did. This will enhance learning and build their confidence for the future.

The third concept I would incorporate would be the process of using e-books. The usability of having an e-book is amazing. They can be accessed from smart phones or any other devices where the internet is available. Students do not have to worry about forgetting textbooks because they will not have any. Equally important is the idea of not having to carry around the books from class to class. Assignments may be completed and submitted with ease.

In conclusion, technology is a great way to enhance learning and to get students involved. Although it is not the only way, it is where the world is in the 21st century. We live in a world where technology is a part of everyone’s life in one way or another. To be a successful teacher, technology must be incorporated to reach students.


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.